Ongoing Courses:
Mondays – The Inside Story
Come experience the stories of the weekly Torah portion and how they address the timeless issues that confront us all. Join us as we explore the meaning of the portion and the lessons that it can teach us.
Monday evenings 8:00 pm.
Monday Night Out: This month, August 26th 5:30pm Dinner at The Reserve 95 E Kennedy Blvd Lakewood NJ 08902. Email [email protected] to RSVP
1st Sunday of the month
Bagels & Tefillin. Services followed by breakfast and round table discussion with Rabbi Zaklikovsky. Sunday Morning 9:30am.
Tuesdays with Chanie
Thought provoking and fun - all over Coffee. Tuesdays 1:30am.
Shabbos - Tanya with Rabbi
An exploration of an eternal guide for life. 1:00pm after Kiddush.
Each class is self-contained.
Call the Center for exact location and information.