

  • I would like to register for Chabad Hebrew School of the Arts

  • Please Print Clearly:

    Part 1: Student Information:

  • Part 2: Parent Information:

  • Part 3: Religious & Educational History

  • Part 4: Medical Information (confidential)

  • Part 5: Referrals

  • Emergency Contact Information
    Person to be contacted in case of an emergency when parents cannot be reached:

  • Medical Release Form:

    I, hereby, give consent to the adminstration of Chabad Hebrew School to take whatever medical measures deemed necessary, at my expense, for my child, in the event of a medical emergency

  • Tuition for Hebrew School is $895 per year, with a 10% discount for additional child.
    Please submit a deposit of $180 towards your tuition.

  • Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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