The Kiddush
The Kiddush on Shabbos Morning following services is a beautiful way to celebrate Simchas, birthdays, anniversaries or commemorate the memory of a loved one.
At Chabad Jewish Center we offer different Kiddush options.
- Oneg: Fruit Platters, Cake, Drinks and Lechaim. $180
- Sit down Kiddush in our beautiful Kiddush Room: Challa, Gefilte Fish, Choice of 3 salads, Cholent, Kugel, Drinks, Lechaim, Fruit & Cake. $360
- Sit down Kiddush in our beautiful Kiddush Room: Bagels, Elegantly prepared platters of lox, tuna and egg salad, cream cheese, fresh Salad, Dairy Kugel, Drinks, Lechaim, Fruit & Cake. $360
- Sit down Kiddush in our beautiful Kiddush Room: Rolls and Pitas, Israeli Dips - Techina, Hummus, Babaganoush, Israeli Salads - vegetable, Beet, Shnitzel, Kugel, Drinks, Lechaim, Fruit & Cake. $400
- Sit down Kiddush in our beautiful Kiddush Room: Challa Rolls, Deli, coleslaw, potato salad, pickles, Drinks, Lechaim, Fruit & Cake. $500
- More than 10 extra guests will be an additional $10pp.
If you wish to purchase a specialty cake, you can order cakes from the Acme Bakery on Ryders Lane, East Brunswick. Please make sure they are Pas Yisrael. No dairy cakes allowed. Please note: This is an additional cost to the Kiddush expense.
As there are so many occasions, it may be necessary for more than one person to sponsor a Shabbos Kiddush.
To reserve a Kiddush, please call 732-656-1616 or email [email protected]